Issue 7
Issue 7

Antiretroviral therapy is continually improving, as new agents and combinations of agents become available that decrease the severe morbidity and mort...

Expired: 02.27.2021
Issue 2
Issue 2

The central vein sign. Optical coherence tomography. Serum neurofilament light chain. New research has identified these markers as valuable in discrim...

Expired: 02.24.2021
Issue 5
Issue 5

The development of CFTR modulators has led to a new era in the treatment of cystic fibrosis (CF), changing the focus of therapy from managing the symp...

Expired: 02.12.2021
Issue 6
Issue 6

Linking high-risk populations like PWIDs (people who inject drugs) and MSM (men who have sex with men) to effective HIV care requires overcoming compl...

Expired: 01.30.2021
Issue 4
Issue 4

Multidrug resistant lung infections present an increasingly common and increasingly dangerous threat to all individuals with cystic fibrosis. Common...

Expired: 01.17.2021
Issue 1
Issue 1

While accurately monitoring disease activity in persons with MS is critically important to determining effective interventions, conventional MRI data...

Expired: 01.10.2021

HIV/AIDS affects 1.1 million people in the United States, with about 40,000 new cases of HIV each ye...

Expired: 01.05.2020
Issue 5
Issue 5

HIV diagnosis and linkage to care for people without a diagnosis of HIV, or who are diagnosed but not engaged in care, is a stated objective of the Na...

Expired: 12.26.2020
Issue 3
Issue 3

Pseudomonas aeruginosa (Pa), one of the most common chronic infections among people with CF, has a variety of innate and adaptive mechanisms that have...

Expired: 12.14.2020
Issue 4
Issue 4

People who inject drugs (PWID) comprise a rapidly growing population of HCV-infected people who have historically been difficult to reach and treat. B...

Expired: 12.27.2020
Issue 4
Issue 4

The incidence of the metabolic complications common in people with HIV infection — bone disease, weight gain, cardiovascular disease, and liver...

Expired: 11.28.2020
Issue 3
Issue 3

As the “opioid epidemic” continues to grow, so does the number of people who inject drugs (PWID) infected with hepatitis C. Identifying t...

Expired: 11.29.2020
Issue 3
Issue 3

Large epidemiological studies have demonstrated that people with HIV carry an increasing burden of metabolic comorbidities. Older antiretroviral thera...

Expired: 10.25.2020
Issue 2
Issue 2

Among the many extrahepatic complications of hepatitis C infection that contribute to increased morbidity and mortality are CV (cryoglobulinemic vascu...

Expired: 10.25.2020
Issue 2
Issue 2

Screening to avoid the morbidity and mortality of colorectal cancer (CRC) in patients with CF, with the incidence of CRC rising, has become an increas...

Expired: 10.25.2020
Issue 1
Issue 1

With respiratory failure from CF lung disease becoming less common as a cause of death, clinical attention is now focusing on identifying and managing...

Expired: 09.27.2020